DETOX QUIZ I often feel tired, sluggish, or lethargic.
I have difficulty concentrating or staying focused.
I catch colds easily.
I usually have bad breath.
I tend to get congested, stuffed-up, or post-nasal drip.
I have unpleasant body odors when I'm not using deodorant
or perfume.
I often have bloating, gas or indigestion after eating.
I usually have dark circles under my eyes.
I have allergies.
I have eczema, acne, or psoriasis.
I often go for more than one day without having
a bowel movement.
I'm a current or former smoker, or I spend time regularly around other smokers.
I usually
drink less than three cups of water a day.
I usually eat meat two times or more a day.
I tend to get bloated
or puffy.
I eat more than 1 serving of vegetables a day (1 serving= 1/2 cup cooked, potatoes and other starchy vegetables
not included).
If you answered yes to a couple of these questions....YOU NEED a cleansing diet. Call or email me for
more information. I will be happy to help you get started and achieve wellness!
After a detox diet, many people feel
Mentally and Physically rejuvenated Notice improvements in digestion, Mental clarity, Improvements with allergies, Decreased
frequency of infection, More energy, and decreased severity of symptoms